Temtem Techniques List – All Currently Known Moves!

We've got a complete look at all of the Temtem Techniques (moves) that can be used by your Temtem in the game! Techniques are moves that allow you to deal Physical or Special damage, and some can even apply Status effects. Status techniques can increase stats, inflict damage, or apply conditions to other Temtem. Each Technique has a single type, which can make it strong or weak when used in battle.
Temtem can learn techniques in three different ways currently. You can level them up and they will learn them natural, you can teach them certain Technique Courses, and you can breed your Temtem so they gain moves they otherwise wouldn't be able to learn!
Classes determine what type of attack the Technique does. Physical damaging Techniques gain their power from the ATK stat, and have their damage reduced by the target's DEF stat. Special damaging Technique gain their power from the SPATK stat, and have their damage reduced by the target's SPDEF stat. Status Techniques can reduce stats or add a condition to the target (Sleep, Poison, Burn, etc.).

Techniques List

Allergic Spread Nature Special 58 18 1 2
Antitoxins Toxic Status 0 26 2 2
Aqua Bullet Hell Water Special 67 17 1 2
Aqua Stone Water Physical 80 21 1 2
Aquatic Whirlwind Water Special 130 29 1 3
Awful Song Neutral Special 96 20 1 2
Bamboozle Mental Status 0 16 0 2
Bark Shield Nature Status 0 30 2 1
Beta Burst Mental Special 100 23 0 2
Blizzard Wind Special 120 15 1 1
Block Melee Status 0 15 1 3
Boomerang Wind Physical 85 14 1 3
Bubbles Water Special 27 5 0 2
Cage Neutral Status 0 16 0 3
Chain Lightning Electric Special 48 15 0 2
Chains Hit Neutral Physical 110 16 0 2
Cheer Up Neutral Status 0 7 0 4
Clinch Neutral Physical 85 14 0 1
Cold Breeze Wind Special 10 9 0 2
Confiscate Neutral Status 0 7 0 2
Cooperation Neutral Status 0 1 0 4
Crystal Bite Crystal Physical 130 22 1 2
Crystal Dust Crystal Special 60 11 0 3
Crystal Plume Gatling Crystal Physical 130 24 0 2
Crystal Spikes Crystal Special 120 27 0 3
Crystallize Crystal Status 0 18 1 2
Data Burst Digital Physical 48 6 0 2
DC Beam Electric Special 35 5 0 3
Diamond Fort Crystal Status 0 26 2 1
Double Kick Neutral Physical 80 22 0 3
Drill Impact Neutral Physical 120 20 0 2
Dust Vortex Earth Special 131 24 1 2
Earth Wave Earth Physical 90 28 2 1
Electric Storm Electric Special 76 26 1 2
Embers Fire Physical 63 13 0 2
Energy Manipulation Mental Special 45 11 0 3
Extinction Fire Status 0 32 2 2
Feather Gatling Wind Physical 100 17 0 2
Fierce Claw Neutral Physical 71 13 0 2
Finbeat Neutral Physical 32 4 0 3
Fire Flame Fire Special 45 7 0 2
Fire Tornado Fire Special 145 22 2 2
Flood Water Status 0 22 1 2
Footwork Melee Status 0 15 1 3
Frond Whip Nature Physical 146 28 1 1
Gaia Nature Status 0 15 3 0
Glass Blade Crystal Physical 32 5 0 2
Haito Uchi Melee Physical 85 21 1 2
Hallucination Toxic Status 0 22 0 2
Harmful Lick Neutral Physical 150 29 0 1
Head Charge Melee Physical 80 10 1 1
Head Ram Neutral Physical 100 17 0 1
Heat Up Fire Status 0 23 0 2
Heavy Blow Neutral Physical 58 11 0 2
Held Anger Neutral Physical 130 12 3 1
High-pressure Water Water Special 50 15 1 2
Humiliating Slap Neutral Physical 90 20 0 2
Hyperkinetic Strike Wind Special 59 28 1 3
Hypnosis Mental Status 0 12 1 1
Hypoxia Wind Special 120 30 0 2
Ice Cubes Water Physical 54 13 0 2
Ice Shuriken Water Physical 60 14 0 2
Iced Stalactite Water Physical 82 22 1 2
Inner Spirit Melee Special 170 23 2 2
Intimidation Mental Status 0 12 2 1
Jaw Strike Neutral Physical 60 9 0 2
Kick Neutral Physical 32 8 0 3
King’s Roar Neutral Status 0 24 3 2
Lifeful Sap Nature Status 0 12 0 2
Lullaby Mental Status 0 27 2 1
Madness Buff Melee Special 0 15 0 2
Magma Cannon Fire Special 70 37 3 1
Major Slash Neutral Physical 150 33 1 2
Martial Strike Melee Special 50 5 1 2
Mechanical Heat Fire Physical 55 7 0 2
Meteor Swarm Fire Physical 75 25 1 1
Mirror Shell Crystal Status 0 15 1 1
Misogi Water Status 0 22 2 2
Mud Shower Earth Special 70 14 0 2
Multiple Pecks Neutral Physical 110 26 0 2
Narcoleptic Hit Mental Physical 140 15 1 1
Nibble Neutral Physical 37 7 0 2
Nicho Sai Melee Physical 135 26 1 3
Nimble Wind Status 0 4 0 2
Ninja Jutsu Neutral Physical 130 27 2 4
Novice Punch Neutral Physical 30 3 0 2
Noxious Bomb Toxic Physical 100 20 0 2
Oshi-Dashi Melee Physical 150 28 1 2
Paralysing Poison Toxic Status 0 20 2 2
Peck Neutral Physical 24 5 0 4
Perfect Jab Melee Physical 40 15 0 2
Photosynthesis Nature Status 0 7 0 2
Pollution Toxic Status 0 22 2 2
Psy Surge Mental Special 100 15 1 1
Psy Wave Mental Special 61 7 1 2
Psychic Collaborator Mental Special 1 19 2 2
Psychosis Mental Status 0 None 3 0
Rage Melee Status 0 10 1 2
Rampage Neutral Physical 65 26 1 1
Relax Neutral Status 0 12 1 1
Rend Neutral Special 50 22 2 2
Revitalize Nature Status 0 15 1 2
Roar Neutral Status 0 10 2 2
Roots Nature Status 0 5 0 2
Sacrifice Neutral Status 0 0 1 3
Sand Splatter Earth Physical 35 7 0 2
Scratch Neutral Physical 20 4 0 2
Sharp Leaf Nature Physical 50 7 0 2
Sharp Rain Water Special 130 20 2 2
Sharp Stabs Crystal Physical 76 15 1 3
Show Off Melee Status 0 7 0 2
Shrill Voice Neutral Special 42 12 1 2
Shy Shield Neutral Status 0 4 0 3
Slime Neutral Status 0 12 0 1
Slow Down Mental Status 0 8 2 0
Sparks Electric Status 0 5 0 2
Spores Nature Special 37 6 0 2
Stare Mental Status 0 4 0 2
Stone Ball Earth Physical 130 29 0 1
Stone Wall Earth Status 0 18 1 1
Strangle Neutral Physical 25 11 0 0
Tail Strike Neutral Physical 50 5 1 2
Telekinetic Shrapnel Mental Physical 80 8 1 2
Tenderness Neutral Status 0 3 0 2
Tentacle Whip Neutral Physical 60 15 0 2
Tesla Prison Electric Special 50 12 0 2
Tornado Wind Special 145 31 1 3
Toxic Fang Toxic Physical 62 12 1 2
Toxic Ink Toxic Physical 80 16 0 2
Toxic Plume Toxic Special 50 24 1 2
Toxic Slime Toxic Physical 50 12 0 2
Toxic Spores Toxic Status 0 9 0 1
Tsunami Water Special 70 25 1 2
Turbo Charge Electric Status 0 21 1 4
Turbo Choreography Wind Status 0 27 1 4
Uppercut Melee Physical 80 12 0 2
Urushiol Toxic Physical 41 8 0 2
Venomous Claws Toxic Physical 40 9 0 2
Wake Up Neutral Physical 1 0 0 4
Warm Cuddle Fire Physical 53 12 0 2
Water Blade Water Special 52 10 0 1
Water Cannon Water Special 100 21 0 2
Water Cutting Lily Nature Physical 120 31 0 3
Wind Blade Wind Special 40 9 0 2
Wind Burst Wind Special 90 12 0 2