Each week in Temtem will reset the rewards for the Freetem! Society and will add new Temtem to the Saipark! We'll be keeping track of what you can expect during each week in this post. Once a new week has been released, we will update this guide with new information on what you can expect from each of these features.
The end-game Saipark area has now been added to the game! Two Temtem will be added to the area each week, and will have special feature like an increased chance of being a Luma, presenting with Egg moves, or having guaranteed minimum SVs. It requires an initial fee of Pacsun (changes each week depending on the rarity) to enter the area that will get you special Saicards (amount varies each week) that only work inside of the Saipark area. These expire at the end of the week. You can buy additional ones throughout the allotted time, but they will increase in cost each time.
How-to Enter Saipark
You can access the Saipark on Deniz from the Praisine Coast by using the hook.
Saipark Temtem & FreeTem! (March 1st - 8th, 2020)
Here's a look at what Temtem will be available in Saipark and what bonuses are offered:Available Temtem
- Ganki
- Saipat
Bonus, Price, & Saicards
- Bonus: Increased Luma Rate & Egg Move Chance
- Price: 2,400 Pacsun
- Saicards: 16

Each week the Freetem Society will give you a new reward for releasing a certain amount of Temtems. Here's the reward for this week:- Reward: 1x Dye Bundle
- Required Releases: 300
Saipark Temtem & FreeTem! (February 24th - March 1st, 2020)
Here's a look at what Temtem will be available in Saipark and what bonuses are offered:Available Temtem
- Kalazu
- Raiber
Bonus, Price, & Saicards
- Bonus: Increased Minimum SVs & Egg Move Chance
- Price: 2,200 Pacsun
- Saicards: 40

Each week the Freetem Society will give you a new reward for releasing a certain amount of Temtems. Here's the reward for this week:- Reward: 25x Silicon Chunk
- Required Releases: 250
Saipark Temtem (February 17th - 23rd, 2020)
Here's a look at what Temtem will be available in Saipark and what bonuses are offered:Available Temtem
- Barnshe
- Oceara
Bonus, Price, & Saicards
- Bonus: 2x rate to catch a Luma.
- Price: 3,500 Pacsun
- Saicards: 5